Sidan äntligen uppe igen.. Mer nyheter följer de kommande dagarna..
Hopefully the boats will arrive in Stockholm the 24 of May.And we will be able to pick them up in Frövi a couple of days later. So we have one week to prepare to the first round in Nora..
1 Scott Gillman 2 Guido Cappellini 3 Jay Price 4 Sami Selio 5 Phillip Dessertan 6 Pierre Lundin Jonas Andersson retired after power steering problem.
Too many drivers are so far, of different reasons, not ready for sharp testing. Of that reason we today have decided to cancel this event. To be fair to all drivers we will invite to extra free practise Friday before first round of the Scandinavian & European Formula 2000 series 2007 in Nora June 1-2. To Nora we will also …
Pierre Lundin försteförare i Comparato Racing 2007! Sveriges förnärvarande mest meriterade, aktiva F1 stjärna anländer till Portugal i nästa vecka som försteförare i Comparato Racing. Detta klart i veckan. Pierre och delar av Lundin F1 Racing skall inom kort installera sig med Comparato Racing för den första deltävlingen som gÃ¥r av stapeln den 13:e maj i Portugal. Teamet har ytterst …
Overall standings 1 Jay Price 2 Ivan Brigada 3 Thani AL Qamszi 4 Rick Ivar Hakonsen 5 Ahmed AL Hamli 6 Arif AL Zafeen 7 Johan Österberg 8 Uvis Slakteris 9 Giani Manici 10 Yousuf AL Robaian 11 Mikki Fors 12 Risto Paino 13 Sultan Al Dhaheri 14 Ronny Steudel 15 André Schule 16 Tullio Abbate 17 Ian Andrews Nationalieties …
Det brukar inte vara bra när propellrar slÃ¥s ihop,men undervissa omständigheter kanske det finns nÃ¥gra fördelar.Peter Brandt som drev Peters Prop Shop, pÃ¥ sistone belägen i Farsta pÃ¥ samma gÃ¥rd där förbundskansliet nu ligger gick som tidigare meddelats bort efter sjukdom i vintras.Prop Shopen i Farsta kommer nu inte att drivas vidare, utan den slog igen redan första maj. Istället …
CALENDAR UIM F2000 Further to the cooperation of the UIM with Leif Ahlborg (Sweden) , Modris Kalnciems (Latvia) and Abdul Salam Fairooz (Dubai), the UIM has now allocated the calendar for the 2007 F2000 International Races.The Scandinavian Cup F2000 as published on the UIM calendar remains in place and has been allocated the European Cup title for 2007.The 2007 World …
Finally we’ve uploaded some photos from the race at Riddarfjärden to our gallery. More photos will come!
It seems like we’ve solved the start problems with the engine now. Johan had the 12th best training time today. The track will probably be moved due to high swells which affects the safety though.